Monday, February 10, 2025

What's the Best Single Disc of Star Trek? (TNG Edition)

You know what, I need a distraction. When I feel this way (it has been happening more and more since, oh, November), my go-to strategy is "watching Star Trek." And no, not on Paramount Pus, the most awful streaming service ever created (I have given up cataloging the multifarious ways it can break on me, and I am only still subscribed because I split it three ways), but on disc. 

Taste the rainbow of actually good Star Trek!

Brief Physical Media Interlude

Optical discs are little miracles, really. You buy a thing once, do not pay a recurring subscription fee, and you now own, in essential perpetuity, a nigh-on perfect copy of the thing you love, in this case, Star Trek TOS-TNG-DS9-VOY-ENT. The Blu-Ray discs of TOS-TNG-ENT are gloriously good in terms of both video (1080p with cleaned up special effects) and audio (DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 channel audio mixes). Even the DVDs of DS9 and VOY are pretty good, with Dolby Digital 5.1 channel audio mixes and video that... well, it's better than the original broadcast and certainly better than the absolutely horrid streams on Paramount Plus. And the movies have finally been released in very good form in the 4K UHD disc versions now available. The optical disc releases of Star Trek are basically the best thing Paramount has ever done with the franchise, if you ask me, at least since the 90s.

Back to the show

So I was watching Star Trek with my son, and he wanted to watch "The Wounded," S4E12. Great, good taste, little one. But popping in the disc (Season 4 Disc 3), I was like "Damn! This is a killer disc!" It includes (with our ratings in parenthesis):

S4E11    Data's Day            (8)
S4E12    The Wounded       (9)
S4E13    Devil's Due           (6)
S4E14    Clues                     (7)
S4E15    First Contact         (10)

Now, maybe you will say "but there is only one "10" rated episode. True enough. But this disc has no stinkers (I love "Devil's Due" and view it as a wonderful TOS-style throwback) and it has one truly quintessential TNG episode in "First Contact." Then you've got: the "Piller Filler" smorgasbord "Data's Day;" anti-war/racism meditation "The Wounded" (which introduces the decidedly pink Cardassians with Marc Alaimo in the guest spot); and the fun mystery romp "Clues." It's got entertainment in spades, variety in tone, and excellence in execution (like most of season four). You could pop this disc in and make a day of it.

Kevin's Pick

S3E20 Tin Man                (6)
S3E21 Hollow Pursuits  (10)
S3E22 The Most Toys   (8)
S3E23 Sarek           (8)
S3E24 Menage a Troi    (3)

So if I'm putting on a whole disc, it's for background comfort. I'm folding laundry or grading papers or something. This disc (Season 3, Disc 5) is great because it runs the gamut. Tin Man is also a TOS throwback of a story. Hollow Pursuits, The Most Toys, and Sarek are all classic episodes. If we were grading them again, I think Most Toys might actually get a 5 from me for Saul Rubinek alone. And yes, Menage a Troi is a bad episode, but it's delightfully bad. It's bad with a big, bold smile on its face. And I love Lwaxana even when she is...not being served well by the script, let's call it. This is the quintessential TNG disc because it contains the good, the bad, and importantly, the cheesy. Tin Man and Menage are a lost style of episode in modern Trek. They wear their hearts and lunacy, respectively, on their sleeves. I can watch Menage and shake my head at how bad it is, but it's my bad show, not someone else's. This one is the disc I can take an edible and enjoy a rainy Saturday afternoon. There are better episodes, but when I watch those, it's because I want to watch that episode. This is the nice, comforting sampler platter.

Honorable Mentions

Another disc Kevin and I batted around was Season 3, Disc 3:

S3E11 The Hunted (5)
S3E12 The High Ground (4)
S3E13 Deja Q (10)
S3E14 A Matter of Perspective (8)
S3E15 Yesterday's Enterprise (10)                  

Which is an interesting case, because of course it has two "top ten" type episodes, and personal favorite of mine "A Matter of Perspective." It's the other two that complicate the case. Both are fairly memorable and not by any means bad, they're just not great. "The Hunted" of course has James Cromwell being tall and vaguely villainous as per usual, and "The High Ground" is an episode that has grown in my estimation since being exposed to incessant seasons of glib, violent, idea-free "Star Trek" from Kurtzman and his company of trained typewriting howler monkeys.

Another disc we discussed was Season 5, Disc 1, containing:

S5E1 Redemption, Part 2 (8)
S5E2 Darmok  (8)
S5E3 Ensign Ro  (7)
S5E4 Silicon Avatar  (10)
S5E5 Disaster  (7)                   

This disc is a "high batting average" disc. It only has one ten, but never dips below a seven. Is it hampered by having a part two? Perhaps. Which also perhaps hamstrings Season 4, Disc 1, despite containing two of my very favorite episodes, "Family" and "Remember Me":

S4E1 Best of Both Worlds, Part. 2  (8)
S4E2 Family  (10)
S4E3 Brothers  (7)
S4E4 Suddenly Human (4)
S4E5 Remember Me  (10)            


Is anyone still reading our blog? Who can say. Does anyone still use physical media? Is that even less likely? Either way, we welcome comments nominating other favorite discs of TNG. Here, for $h!#$ and giggles, is the entire list, broken up by disc. Enjoy!

S1E1 Encounter at Farpoint 8
S1E2 The Naked Now 5
S1E3 Code of Honor 2

S1E4 The Last Outpost 6
S1E5 Where No One Has Gone Before 8
S1E6 Lonely Among Us 4
S1E7 Justice 4
S1E8 The Battle 7

S1E9 Hide and Q 8
S1E10 Haven 5
S1E11 The Big Goodbye 6
S1E12 Datalore 4
S1E13 Angel One 2

S1E14 11001001 8
S1E15 Too Short A Season 5
S1E16  When The Bough Breaks 6
S1E17 Home Soil 5
S1E18 Coming of Age 6

S1E19 Heart of Glory 6
S1E20 Arsenal Of Freedom 6
S1E21 Symbiosis 5
S1E22 Skin of Evil 6
S1E23 We'll Always Have Paris 6

S1E24 Conspiracy 10
S1E25 The Neutral Zone 6

S2E1 The Child 6
S2E2  Where Silence Has Lease  6
S2E3  Elementary, Dear Data 8
S2E4  The Outrageous Okona 4
S2E5  Loud As A Whisper 5

S2E6  The Schizoid Man 7
S2E8 Unnatural Selection 6
S2E9  A Matter of Honor 4
S2E10 The Measure of a Man 9

S2E11  The Dauphin 6
S2E12 Contagion 10
S2E13  The Royale 5
S2E14 Time Squared 6
S2E15 The Icarus Factor 6

S2E16 Pen Pals 7
S2E17 Q Who 10
S2E18 Samaritan Snare 4
S2E19 Up The Long Ladder 4
S2E20 Manhunt 4

S2E21 The Emissary 8
S2E22 Peak Performance 8
S2E23 Shades of Gray 2

S3E1 Evolution  8
S3E2 Ensigns of Command  6
S3E3 The Survivors 7
S3E4 Who Watches the Watchers  8
S3E5 The Bonding  5

S3E6 Booby Trap  8
S3E7 The Enemy 6
S3E8 The Price  6
S3E9 The Vengeance Factor 5
S3E10 The Defector 8

S3E11 The Hunted 5
S3E12 The High Ground 4
S3E13 Deja Q 10
S3E14 A Matter of Perspective 8
S3E15 Yesterday's Enterprise 10

S3E16 The Offspring 8
S3E17 Sins of the Father  9
S3E18 Allegiance  6
S3E19 Captain's Holiday  7

S3E20 Tin Man 6
S3E21 Hollow Pursuits 10
S3E22 The Most Toys 8
S3E23 Sarek 8
S3E24 Menage a Troi 3

S3E25 Transfigurations  5
S3E26 Best of Both Worlds, Part 1 10

S4E1 Best of Both Worlds, Part. 2  8
S4E2 Family  10
S4E3 Brothers  7
S4E4 Suddenly Human 4
S4E5 Remember Me  10

S4E6 Legacy 4
S4E7 Reunion 7
S4E8 Future Imperfect  7
S4E9 Final Mission 6
S4E10 The Loss 6

S4E11 Data's Day 8
S4E12 The Wounded  9
S4E13 Devil's Due  6
S4E14 Clues 7
S4E15 First Contact 10

S4E16 Galaxy's Child 6
S4E17 Night Terrors 5
S4E18 Identity Crisis 4
S4E19 Nth Degree  9
S4E20 Qpid 8

S4E21 Drumhead 7
S4E22 Half a Life 10
S4E23 The Host 6
S4E24 Mind's Eye 8

S4E25 In Theory 6
S4E26 Redemption, Part 1 8

S5E1 Redemption, Part 2 8
S5E2 Darmok  8
S5E3 Ensign Ro  7
S5E4 Silicon Avatar  10
S5E5 Disaster  7

S5E6 The Game  6
S5E7 Unification I  9
S5E8 Unification II  6
S5E9 A Matter of Time  6
S5E10 New Ground  5

S5E11 Hero Worship  6
S5E12 Violations  5
S5E13 Masterpiece Society  7
S5E14 Conundrum  7
S5E15 Power Play  7

S5E16 Ethics 6
S5E17 The Outcast 5
S5E18 Cause and Effect  10
S5E19 First Duty  9
S5E20 Cost of Living  2

S5E21 The Perfect Mate  8
S5E22 Imaginary Friend  4
S5E23 I Borg 9
S5E24 The Next Phase 8

S5E25 The Inner Light 10
S5E26 Time's Arrow, Part 1 8

S6E1 Time's Arrow, Part 2 8
S6E2 Realm of Fear 6
S6E3 Man of the People  4
S6E4 Relics 8
S6E5 Schisms  6

S6E6 True Q  6
S6E7 Rascals 6
S6E8 Fistful of Datas  5
S6E9 Quality of Life  5

S610 Chain of Command I  8
S6E11 Chain of Command II  10
S6E12 Ship in a Bottle  8
S6E13 Aquiel  4
S6E14 Face of the Enemy  6

S6E15 Tapestry  10
S6E16 Birthright, Part I  5
S6E17 Birthright, Part II  4
S6E18 Starship Mine  8
S6E19 Lessons 9

S6E20 The Chase  6
S6E21 Frame of Mind 9
S6E22 Suspicions  6
S6E23 Rightful Heir 7
S6E24 Second Chances 8

S6E25 Timescape 6
S6E26 Descent, Part 1 6

S7E1 Descent, Part II  4
S7E2 Liaisons  4
S7E3 Interface  5
S7E4 Gambit, Part I  8
S7E5 Gambit, Part II 7

S7E6 Phantasms  6
S7E7 Dark Page  2
S7E8 Attached  8
S7E9 Force of Nature  4

S710 Inheritance  8
S7E11 Parallels  9
S7E12 The Pegasus  10
S7E13 Homeward  5
S7E14 Sub Rosa  4

S7E15 Lower Decks  10
S7E16 Thine Own Self 6
S7E17 Masks  4
S7E18 Eye of the Beholder  8
S7E19 Genesis 7

S7E20 Journey's End 6
S7E21 Firstborn  6
S7E22 Bloodlines  4
S7E23 Emergence  5
S7E24 Preemptive Strike  6

S7E25 All Good Things...  10


  1. Few indeed play tall as well as James Cromwell.

    Anyway, I'm still here, though it's been a while since I tried commenting on anything. It seems my comments don't get published (so you can imagine my suspense while writing this).

    And I agree on the delight of physical discs, and I likewise prefer a physical book to a digital copy for pleasure reading.

    1. We were getting so many spam comments that I turned it to "needs approval." Needless to say, I have gone through and approved all real comments in the past day or two.

      Anyway, we're back! Maybe! For at least a few more posts, anyway.

  2. I'm still reading your blog. I like to check in when I rewatch an episode and find myself thinking about it afterwards.
    I'm particularly interested in the 6 rated episodes that come from a 2 and a 4. Such as Time Squared. I'd love to hear some new podcasts on these episodes. I'm also keen for the Voyager Endgame podcast.
    No hurry though. I'd prefer to wait until the time feels right for you and you do the episodes you want to do. I also watch for comfort and sometimes listen and watch again with your podcast playing to add to that experience. For me, you somehow make Star Trek even better, all these years later. Thank you.

    1. That's really gratifying to hear. We have been batting around the idea of doing some fill-in podcasts.

      How accurate do you feel our ratings are overall?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the way you apply a consistent objective measure with well thought out criteria. When I disagree with your ratings, I usually find it's for more subjective personal reasons.

    I tend to lean more towards agreeing with Matthew's analysis and ratings. But I find Kevin's perspectives extremely valuable for understanding aspects that I hadn't considered before. Especially when fleshed out in podcasts. Both of you (and any guests) work really well together in the process of reviewing episodes.

    I'm really pleased to hear you are considering doing some more podcasts. Just make sure you are having fun with doing it. Your passion in reviewing even the lower rated episodes is infectious.
